Avtorja priredbe Jernej Lorenci in Matic Starina po romanu Božji ubožec Nikosa Kazantzakisa v prevodu Jaroslava Novaka
Jernej Lorenci, Matic Starina

Produkcija Mestnega gledališča Ptuj

Produkcija Mestnega gledališča Ptuj, Borštnikova nagrada za igro Janez Škof in Tamara Avguštin, Borštnikova nagrada za scenografijo. Mednarodna nagrada Viminacium Maximus za najboljšo predstavo in Zlata Fibula igralcu Janezu Škofu za vlogo v predstavi. 

Za predstavo trenutno ni razpisanih terminov.

Premiera Ptuj: 2. februar 2022.

Predstava traja 2 ure in 30 minut in ima 15 minutni odmor.

Frančišek Asiški je velika religiozna, mitološka, zgodovinska, umetniška figura. Obdaja ga nepresežen svetniški obstret. Postal je simbol. V stoletjih je prerasel geografsko okolje, šel je celo onkraj krščanstva, osvojil je velik del sveta. Postal je velikan, neštetokrat upodobljeni, literarizirani, mitizirani nadčlovek, tako rekoč angel, skoraj bog.

Pa vendar se za Velikim Frančiškom iz Assisija skriva nekoč zdavnaj živeči zgolj-človek z imenom Frančišek, ki je na svet in samega sebe pogledal na nov način in na nov način začel tudi živeti. Videl je onkraj materialnega, onkraj ambicije, onkraj pohlepa in poželenja. In tako živel. (Bil je, kar je nadvse pomembno, neprestano v praksi: in od sebe je zahteval največ.) In trpel. Ker se je boril. In boril se je s seboj, ne z drugimi. Jemal je nase, ne obmetaval drugih. Sprejemal je vse in vsakogar, ni delil in ni sodil. Zavedal se je, da je vsak človek en in edini, neponovljiv. Da pa smo tudi nerazdružljivo povezani. In povezani tudi z naravo (lahko bi mu rekli prvi ekolog). Vse živi, vse diha, vse je eno.

Prav ta človeški element bo ključen za našo uprizoritev. Vsi tisti momenti človeškega, ki so še kako poznani vsem nam (le da je bil Frančišek pripravljen morda iti dlje in globlje). Demitizirani, počlovečeni Frančišek torej. Frančišek, ki, kot pravi G. K. Chesterton, »ni ljubil človečnosti (nasploh), ampak človeka (vsakega posebej); tako tudi ni ljubil krščanstva, ampak Kristusa«.

Frančišek ni hotel moči in oblasti, so pa moč in oblast v njegovem imenu zlorabljali. Ni hotel spremeniti sveta, ponudil pa je način, kako je mogoče spremeniti sebe. In lasten odnos do drugih.

Razglašal je novo norost. In njegova nova norost je – ljubezen.


Režiser: Jernej Lorenci
Igralca: Tamara Avguštin, Janez Škof

Dramaturg: Matic Starina
Kostumografinja: Belinda Radulović
Scenograf: Branko Hojnik
Asistentka scenografa: Nina Rojc
Avtor glasbe: Branko Rožman
Koreografinja: Kaja Lorenci
Asistentka režije: Brina Klampfer
Lektor in šepetalec: Simon Šerbinek

Tehnični vodja: Sandi Žuran
Lučni mojster: Simon Medved
Tonski mojster: Danijel Vogrinec
Rekviziterka in garderoberka: Irena Meško
Tehnični delavec: Matey Boban

Mediji o prestavi:

Bitef Srbija gostovanje:  (od 27 minute naprej)


Dramatisation by Jernej Lorenci and Matic Starina, adapted from a novel Saint Francis by Nikos Kazantzakis. Translated by Jaroslav Novak.

Production of the Ptuj City Theatre

Premiere: February 2nd 2022. The play lasts 3 hours and has a 15-minute intermission.


Francis of Assisi is a great religious, mythological, historical and artistic figure. His saintly aureole remains unsurpassed for he has become a symbol. Over the centuries he has transcended geography and even gone beyond Christianity, conquering a large part of the world. He has become a giant, a countlessly depicted, literarised, mythicised superman, an angel, almost a God.

Yet behind the figure of the great Francis of Assisi there is a mere-man by the name Francis, living in ancient times. He viewed the world and himself in a new way and also began to live in a new way. He saw beyond the material, beyond ambition, beyond greed and lust. He lived by such example himself. (He was, most importantly, a constant practitioner: he demanded the most of himself.) He suffered, fighting his demons and persisting in his faith. He struggled with himself, not with others. He took it upon himself, not blaming others. He accepted everyone and everything, did not divide and he did not judge. He was aware that every human being is unique and inimitable. However, we are also inextricably linked to each other and connected to nature (we could call him “the first ecologist”). All lives, all breathes, all is one.

This very human element will be the crucial point of our performance exposing all those moments of humaneness so familiar to all of us (except that Francis was perhaps ready to go further and deeper). Therefore, we focus on demystified, humanised Francis. Francis, who, as G. K. Chesteron states, “loved not humaneness (in general) but the human being (each one individually); likewise he loved not Christianity, but Christ”.

Francis did not want power and authority, but power and authority were abused on his behalf. He did not want to change the world, but he offered the way of changing oneself and the attitude towards others.

He proclaimed a new madness. And his new madness is – love.


Director: Jernej Lorenci
Actors: Tamara Avguštin, Janez Škof

Dramaturge: Matic Starina
Costume designer: Belinda Radulović
Set designer: Branko Hojnik
Assistant set designer: Nina Rojc
Music composer: Branko Rožman
Choreographer: Kaja Lorenci
Assistant director: Brina Klampfer
Language consultant and prompter: Simon Šerbinek

Technical director: Sandi Žuran
Light designer: Simon Medved
Sound designer: Danijel Vogrinec
Props master and dresser: Irena Meško
Technical assistant: Matey Boban
